Seite 321 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Chapter 38a—Salt, Spices and Condiments
freely, and spices have not been entirely discarded. This family could
have received great benefit from a nourishing, well-regulated diet.
Testimonies for the Church 2:383
The blood-making organs can not convert spices, mince pies, pick-
les, and diseased flesh-meats into good blood.
The Ministry of Healing, 305
Do not eat largely of salt, avoid the use of pickles and spiced foods,
eat an abundance of fruit, and the irritation that calls for so much drink
at meal time will largely disappear.
Testimonies for the Church 4:417
Our laborers could do more by their example to advance health
reform than by preaching it. When elaborate preparations are made for
them by well meaning friends, they are strongly tempted to disregard
principle; but by refusing the dainty dishes, the rich condiments, the tea
and coffee, they may prove themselves to be practical health reformers.
Some are now suffering in consequence of transgressing the laws of
life, thus causing a stigma to rest on the cause of health reform.
Testimonies for the Church 2:602
Nothing should be taken to camp-meeting except the most healthful
articles, cooked in a simple manner, free from all spices and grease.
The Facts of Faith 2:130
Persons who have indulged their appetite to eat freely of meat,
highly seasoned gravies, and various kinds of rich cakes and preserves,
can not immediately relish a plain, wholesome, nutritious diet. Their
taste is so perverted they have no appetite for a wholesome diet of
fruits, plain bread, and vegetables. They need not expect to relish at
first food so different from that in which they have been indulging.