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Chapter 38b—Sanatarium Dietary
must not follow one set regimen, but must frequently vary the bill of
fare, and prepare food in different ways. I believe that the Lord will
give all of you good judgment in the preparation of food.
Letter K 331, 1904
In the night season I was talking with you both. I had some things
to say to you on the diet question. I was talking freely with you, telling
you that you would have to make changes in your ideas in regard to
the diet to be given those who come to the sanitarium from the world.
These people have lived improperly, on rich food. They are suffering
as a result of indulgence of appetite. A reform in their habits of eating
and drinking is needed. But this reform can not be made all at once.
The change must be made gradually. The health foods set before them
must be appetizing. All their lives, perhaps, they have had three meals
a day, and have eaten rich food. It is an important matter to reach these
people with the truths of health reform. But in order to lead them to
adopt a sensible diet, you must set before them an abundant supply of
wholesome, appetizing food. Changes must not be made so abruptly
that they will be turned from health reform, instead of being led to it.
The food served to them must be nicely prepared, and it must be richer
than either you or I would eat.
I write this because something needs to be done to set forth the
principles of true health reform. Have you a cook who can prepare
dishes that the patients can not help but see are an improvement on
the diet to which they have been accustomed? The one who does the
cooking in a sanitarium should be able to make wholesome, appetizing
food-combinations and these food-combinations must necessarily be
somewhat richer than you or I would eat.
I write this because I am sure that the Lord means you to have
tact in meeting the people where they are, in their darkness and self-
indulgence. As far as I am concerned, personally, I am decidedly in
favor of a plain, simple diet. But it will not be best to put worldly,
self-indulgent patients on a diet so strict that they will be turned from
health reform. This will not convince them of the need of a change in
their habits of eating and drinking. Tell them the facts. Educate them
to see the need of a plain, simple diet, and make the change gradually.