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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
must not be made abruptly, when the patients are not prepared for
The food placed before the patients should be such as to make a
favorable impression on them. Eggs can be prepared in a variety of
ways. Lemon pie should not be forbidden.
Too little thought and painstaking effort has been given to making
the food tasty and nourishing. We do not want that the sanitarium shall
be destitute of patients. We can not convert men and women from the
error of their ways unless we treat them wisely.
Get the best cook possible, and do not limit the food to that which
would suit the taste of some who are rigid health reformers. Were the
patients given this food only, they would become disgusted, because it
would taste so insipid. It is not thus that souls are to be won to the truth
in our sanitariums. Let the cautions that the Lord has given Brother
and Sister-----in regard to extremes in diet, be heeded. I was instructed
that Dr.-----must change his diet, and eat more nourishing food. It
is possible to avoid rich cooking, and yet make the food palatable. I
know that every extreme in diet that is brought into the sanitarium will
hurt the reputation of the institution....
There is a way of combining and preparing food that will make it
both wholesome and nourishing. Those in charge of the cooking in
our sanitariums should understand how to do this. The matter should
be treated from a Bible standpoint. There is such a thing as robbing
the body of nutrition. The preparation of the food in the best manner
possible is to become a science.
I eat the most simple food, prepared in the most simple way. For
months my principle diet has been vermicelli and canned tomatoes,
cooked together. This I eat with zwieback. Then I have also stewed
fruit of some kind and sometimes lemon pie. Dried corn, cooked with
milk or a little cream, is another dish that I sometimes use.