Seite 337 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Simple Diet
If they do, their stomachs will be overtaxed. We wish to have the
brain-power especially vigorous at these meetings, and in the most
healthy condition to hear the truth, appreciate it, and retain it, that all
may practice it after their return from the meeting. If the stomach is
burdened with too much food, even of a simple character, the brain
force is called to the aid of the digestive organs. There is a benumbed
sensation upon the brain. It is almost impossible to keep the eyes open.
The very truths which should be heard, understood, and practiced,
are entirely lost through indisposition, or because the brain is almost
paralyzed in consequence of the amount of food eaten.
I would advise all to take something warm into the stomach, every
morning at least. You can do this without much labor. You can make
graham gruel. If the graham flour is too coarse, sift it, and while the
gruel is hot, add milk. This will make a most palatable and healthful
dish for the camp-ground. And if your bread is dry, crumb it into the
gruel, and it will be enjoyed. I do not approve of eating much cold
food, for the reason that the vitality must be drawn from the system to
warm the food until it becomes of the same temperature as the stomach
before the work of digestion can be carried on. Another very simple
yet wholesome dish, is beans boiled or baked. Dilute a portion of them
with water, add milk or cream, and make a broth; the bread can be
used as in graham gruel.
Testimonies for the Church 2:352
If ever there was a time when the diet should be of the most simple
kind, it is now.
Manuscript 115, 1903
God has declared that sanitariums and hygienic restaurants should
be established for the purpose of making known to the world His law.
The closing of our restaurants on the Sabbath is to be a witness that
there is a people who will not for worldly gain, or to please people,
disregard God’s holy Rest Day. These restaurants are to be established
in our cities to bring the truth before many who are engrossed in the
business and pleasure of this world. Many of these are professed Chris-
tians, but are “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.” These are
to know that God has a people who fear Him and keep His command-