Seite 339 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Simple Diet
drugs, and carefully observe the laws of health. If you regard your life,
you should eat plain food, prepared in the simplest manner, and take
more physical exercise. Each member of the family needs the benefits
of health reform. But drugging should be forever abandoned; for while
it does not cure any malady, it enfeebles the system, making it more
susceptible to disease.
The Ministry of Healing, 310
A disordered stomach produces a disordered, uncertain state of
mind. Often it causes irritability, harshness, or injustice. Many a plan
that would have been a blessing to the world has been set aside, many
unjust oppressive, even cruel measures have been carried, as the result
of diseased conditions due to wrong habits of eating.
Here is a suggestion for all whose work is sedentary or chiefly
mental; let those who have sufficient moral courage and self control
try it: At each meal take only two or three kinds of simple food and
eat no more than is required to satisfy hunger. Take active exercise
every day, and see if you do not receive benefit.
The Health Reformer, August 1, 1866 (Healthful Living, 30)
Many have inquired of me, What course shall I take best to preserve
my health? My answer is, Cease to transgress the laws of your being;
cease to gratify a depraved appetite, eat simple food, dress healthfully,
which will require modest simplicity, work healthfully, and you will
not be sick.