Seite 351 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Tea and Coffee
well without these stimulants. The whole system, under the influence
of these stimulants often becomes intoxicated. And to just that degree
that the nervous system is excited by false stimulants, will be the pros-
tration which will follow after the influence of the exciting cause has
abated. This prostration may in time be overcome by abstaining from
the use of those things which created such a condition in the system.
Those who indulge a perverted appetite, do it to the injury of health
and intellect. They can not appreciate the value of spiritual things.
Their sensibilities are blunted, and sin does not appear very sinful, and
truth is not regarded of greater value than earthly treasure.
The Review and Herald, February 21, 1888No. 88 (Healthful
Living, 108)
The stimulating diet and drink of this day are not conducive to
the best state of health. Tea, coffee, and tobacco are all stimulating,
and contain poisons. They are not only unnecessary, but harmful, and
should be discarded if we would add to knowledge temperance.
Testimonies for the Church 2:64-65
The use of tea and coffee is also injurious to the system. To a
certain extent, tea produces intoxication. It enters into the circulation,
and gradually impairs the energy of body and mind. It stimulates,
excites, and quickens the motion of the living machinery, forcing it
to unnatural action, and thus gives the tea-drinker the impression that
it is doing him great service, imparting to him strength. This is a
mistake. Tea draws upon the strength of the nerves, and leaves them
greatly weakened. When its influence is gone and the increased action
caused by its use is abated, then what is the result? Languor and
debility corresponding to the artificial vivacity the tea imparted. When
the system is already overtaxed and needs rest, the use of tea spurs
up nature by stimulation to perform unwonted, unnatural action, and
thereby lessens her power to perform, and her ability to endure; and
her powers give out long before Heaven designed they should. Tea is
poisonous to the system. Christians should let it alone. The influence
of coffee is in a degree the same as tea, but the effect upon the system
is still worse. Its influence is exciting, and just in the degree that it
elevates above par, it will exhaust and bring prostration below par.