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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
not good. This is a work that will have to be done before His people
can stand before Him a perfected people.
Testimonies for the Church 4:599
Our people should make greater efforts to extend the circulation
of the Review. If our brethren and sisters would only manifest greater
earnestness and put forth more persevering efforts to accomplish this,
it would be done. Every family should have this paper. And if they
would deny themselves their darling luxuries, tea and coffee, many
who do not now have its weekly visits might pay for the messenger of
light to come into their household.
Letter B 135, 1902
Concerning flesh-meat we can all say, Let it alone. And all should
bear a clear testimony against tea and coffee, never using them. They
are narcotics, injurious alike to the brain and to the other organs of the
Let the members of our churches deny every selfish appetite. Every
penny expended for tea, coffee, and flesh-meat is worse than wasted;
for these things hinder the best development of the physical, mental
and spiritual powers.
* * * * *
Testimonies for the Church 3:170
One of the great objects of our Health Institute is to direct sin-sick
souls to the great Physician, the true healing fountain, and call their
attention to the necessity of reform from a religious standpoint, that
they no longer violate the law of God by sinful indulgences. If the
moral sensibilities of invalids can be aroused, and they see that they
are sinning against their Creator by bringing sickness upon themselves,
and by the indulgence of appetite and debasing passions, when they
leave the Health Institute they will not leave their principles behind, but
will take them with them, and be genuine health reformers at home. If
the moral sensibilities are aroused, patients will have a determination
to carry out their convictions of conscience; and if they see the truth,
they will obey it. They will have true, noble independence to practice