Seite 390 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
While a healthy state of mind depends upon the normal condition of
the vital forces, what care should be exercised that neither stimulants
nor narcotics be used.
Tobacco is a slow, insidious poison, and its effects are more dif-
ficult to cleanse from the system than those of liquor. What power
can the tobacco-devotee have to stay the progress of intemperance?
There must be a revolution in our world upon the subject of tobacco
before the ax is laid at the root of the tree. We press the subject still
closer. Tea and coffee are fostering the appetite which is developing
for stronger stimulants, as tobacco and liquor. And we come still closer
home, to the daily meals, the tables spread in Christian households. Is
temperance practiced in all things? Are the reforms which are essential
to health and happiness carried out there? Every true Christian will
have control of his appetite and passions. Unless he is free from the
bondage and slavery of appetite, he can not be a true, obedient servant
of Christ. It is the indulgence of appetite and passion which makes the
truth of none effect upon the heart. It is impossible for the spirit and
power of the truth to sanctify a man, soul, body, and spirit, when he is
controlled by appetite and passion.
Testimonies for the Church 4:44
In the wilderness of temptation Christ met the great leading temp-
tations that would assail man. There He encountered, single-handed,
the wily, subtle foe, and overcame him. The first great temptation was
upon appetite; the second, presumption; the third, love of the world.
Satan has overcome his millions by tempting them to the indulgences
of appetite. Through the gratification of the taste, the nervous system
becomes excited and the brain power enfeebled, making it impossible
to think calmly or rationally. The mind is unbalanced. Its higher,
nobler faculties are perverted to serve animal lust, and the sacred,
eternal interests are not regarded. When this object is gained, Satan
can come with his two other leading temptations and find ready access.
His manifold temptations grow out of these three great leading points.
Testimonies for the Church 4:309
Our danger is presented before us by Christ Himself. He knew the
perils we should meet in these last days, and would have us prepare