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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
The churches should be staunch and true to the light which God
has given. Each member should work intelligently to put away from
his life-practice every perverted appetite.
Testimonies for the Church 6:336
In your association with unbelievers, do not allow yourselves to
be swerved from right principles. If you sit at their table, eat temper-
ately, and only of food that will not confuse the mind. Keep clear of
intemperance. You can not afford to weaken your mental or physical
powers, lest you become unable to discern spiritual things. Keep your
mind in such a condition that God can impress it with the precious
truths of His word.
Testimonies for the Church 6:343
Needless worries and burdens are created by the desire to make
a display in entertaining visitors. In order to prepare a great variety
for the table, the housewife overworks; because of the many dishes
prepared, the guests overeat; and disease and suffering, from overwork
on the one hand and over-eating on the other, is the result. These
elaborate feasts are a burden and an injury.
Testimonies for the Church 7:257-258
At bountiful tables, men often eat much more than can be easily
digested. The overburdened stomach can not do its work properly. The
result is a disagreeable feeling of dullness in the brain, and the mind
does not act quickly. Disturbance is created by improper combinations
of food; fermentation sets in; the blood is contaminated and the brain
The habit of overeating, or of eating too many kinds of food at one
meal, frequently causes dyspepsia. Serious injury is thus done to the
delicate digestive organs. In vain the stomach protests, and appeals to
the brain to reason from cause to effect. The excessive amount of food
eaten, or the improper combination, does its injurious work. In vain do
disagreeable premonitions give warning. Suffering is the consequence.
Disease takes the place of health.
Some may ask, What has this to do with board meetings? Very
much. The effects of wrong eating are brought into council and board