Seite 407 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Overeating and Control of Appetite
Letter K 59, 1898
Meat eating should not come into the prescription for any invalids
from any physicians from among those who understand these things.
Disease in cattle is making meat eating a dangerous matter. The Lord’s
curse is upon the earth, upon man, upon beasts, upon the fish of the
sea and as transgression becomes almost universal, the curse will
be permitted to become as broad and as deep as the transgression.
Disease is contracted by the use of meat. The diseased flesh of these
dead carcasses is sold in the market places, and disease among men is
the sure result
I write to you, my brother, that the giving of prescriptions for the
eating of flesh of animals shall no more be practiced in our sanitariums.
There is no excuse for this. There is no safety in the after-influence
and results upon the human mind. Let us be health reformers in every
sense of the term. Let us make known in our institutions that there is
no longer a meat table, even for the boarders, and then the education
given upon the discarding of a meat diet will not only be saying, but
doing. If patronage is less, so let it be. The principles will be of far
greater value when they are understood, when it is known that the life
of no living thing shall be taken to sustain the life of the Christian.