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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
Testimonies for the Church 6:372-373
Many are suffering, and many are going into the grave, because
of the indulgence of appetite. They eat what suits their perverted
taste, thus weakening the digestive organs and injuring their power to
assimilate the food that is to sustain life. This brings on acute disease,
and too often death follows. The delicate organism of the body is worn
out by the suicidal practices of those who ought to know better.
The churches should be staunch and true to the light which God
has given. Each member should work intelligently to put away from
his life-practice every perverted appetite.
Testimonies for the Church 7:257
At bountiful tables, men often eat much more than can be easily
digested. The overburdened stomach can not do its work properly. The
result is a disagreeable feeling of dullness in the brain, and the mind
does not act quickly. Disturbance is created by improper combinations
of food; fermentation sets in; the blood is contaminated and the brain
The habit of overeating, or of eating too many kinds of food at one
meal, frequently causes dyspepsia. Serious injury is thus done to the
delicate digestive organs. In vain the stomach protests, and appeals to
the brain to reason from cause to effect. The excessive amount of food
eaten, or the improper combination, does its injurious work. In vain do
disagreeable premonitions give warning. Suffering is the consequence.
Disease takes the place of health.
Testimonies For The Church 1:693-694
The health reform is essential to you both. Sister B has been
backward in this good work, and has suffered opposition to arise,
when she knew not what she was opposing. She has resisted the
counsel of God against her own soul. Intemperate appetite has brought
debility and disease, weakening the moral powers, and unfitting her
to appreciate the sacred truth, the value of the atonement, which is
essential to salvation. Sister B loves this world. She has not separated,
in her affections, from the world, and given herself unreservedly to
God, as He requires.