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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
is essential to genuine religion. Those who have not learned to deny
themselves, are destitute of vital, practical godliness.
Testimonies for the Church 3:161-162
December 10, 1871, I was again shown that the health reform is
one branch of the great work which is to fit a people for the coming
of the Lord. It is as closely connected with the third angel’s message
as the hand is with the body. The law of ten commandments has
been lightly regarded by man; but the Lord would not come to punish
the transgressors of that law without first sending them a message of
warning. The third angel proclaims that message. Had men ever been
obedient to the law of ten commandments, carrying out in their lives
the principles of those precepts, the curse of disease now flooding the
world would not be.
Men and women can not violate natural law by indulging depraved
appetite and lustful passions, and not violate the law of God. Therefore
He has permitted the light of health reform to shine upon us, that we
may see our sin in violating the laws which He has established in our
being. All our enjoyment or suffering may be traced to obedience
or transgression of natural law. Our gracious Heavenly Father sees
the deplorable condition of men, who, some knowingly but many
ignorantly, are living in violation of the laws that He has established.
And in love and pity to the race, He causes the light to shine upon
health reform. He publishes His law, and the penalty that will follow
the transgression of it, that all may learn, and be careful to live in
harmony with natural law. He proclaims His law so distinctly, and
makes it so prominent, that it is like a city set on a hill. All accountable
beings can understand it if they will. Idiots will not be responsible.
To make plain natural law, and urge the obedience of it, is the work
that accompanies the third angel’s message, to prepare a people for
the coming of the Lord.
Adam and Eve fell through intemperate appetite. Christ came
and withstood the fiercest temptation of Satan, and, in behalf of the
race, overcame appetite, showing that man may overcome. As Adam
fell through appetite, and lost blissful Eden, the children of Adam
may, through Christ, overcome appetite, and through temperance in
all things regain Eden.