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Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
Testimonies for the Church 3:311
God has given us great light upon the health reform, which He
requires us all to respect. He does not send light to be rejected or
disregarded by His people without their suffering the consequences.
Testimonies for the Church 3:560-561
January 3, 1875, I was shown that none of us realize the perils that
attend us at every step. We have a vigilant foe, and yet we are not
awake and in earnest in our efforts to resist the temptations of Satan
and to overcome his devices.
God has permitted the light of health reform to shine upon us in
these last days, that by walking in the light we may escape many dan-
gers to which we will be exposed. Satan’s temptations are powerful
upon the human family to lead them to indulge appetite, gratify in-
clination, and live a life of heedless folly.... In this fast age, the less
exciting the food the better. Temperance in all things and firm denial
of appetite, is the only path of safety.
Testimonies for the Church 4:141
Our Heavenly Father sent the light of health reform to guard against
the evils resulting from a debased appetite, that those who love purity
and holiness may use with discretion the good things He has provided
for them, and by exercising temperance in their daily lives, may be
sanctified through the truth.
Testimonies for the Church 6:372
When persons are spoken to on the subject of health they often say,
“We know a great deal better than we do.” They do not realize that
they are accountable for every ray of light in regard to their physical
well-being, and that their every habit is open to the inspection of
God. Physical life is not to be treated in a haphazard manner. Every
organ, every fiber of the being, is to be sacredly guarded from harmful