Seite 55 - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926)

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Diet and Morals
ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of
Our health institutions are established to present the living princi-
ples of a clean, pure, healthful diet. The knowledge must be imparted in
regard to self-denial, self-control. Jesus who made man and redeemed
man, is to be held up before all who shall come to our institutions.
The knowledge of the way of life, peace, health, must be given line
upon line, precept upon precept, that men and women may see the
need of reform. They must be led to renounce the debasing customs
and practices which existed in Sodom and in the antediluvian world,
whom God destroyed because of their iniquity. (
Matthew 24:37-39
All who shall visit our health institutions are to be educated. The
plan of redemption should be brought before all, high and low, rich
and poor. Carefully prepared instruction is to be given, that indulgence
in fashionable intemperance in eating and drinking may be seen as the
cause of disease and suffering and of evil practices that follow as a
Testimonies for the Church 2:352
If ever there was a time when the diet should be of the most simple
kind, it is now. Meat should not be placed before our children. Its
influence is to excite and strengthen the lower passions, and has a
tendency to deaden the moral powers. Grains and fruits prepared free
from grease, and in as natural a condition as possible, should be the
food for the tables of all who claim to be preparing for translation to
Heaven. The less feverish the diet, the more easily can the passions be
controlled. Gratification of taste should not be consulted irrespective
of physical, intellectual, or moral health.
Indulgence of the baser passions will lead very many to shut their
eyes to the light; for they fear that they will see sins which they are
unwilling to forsake. All may see if they will. If they choose darkness
rather than light, their criminality will be none the less.
Testimonies for the Church 2:404-405
Your food is not of that simple, healthful quality which will make
the best kind of blood. Foul blood will surely becloud the moral and
intellectual powers, and arouse and strengthen the baser passions of