Page 249 - Temperance (1949)

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Chapter 5—The Influence of the Pen
Temperance Literature
—We have a work to do along temper-
ance lines besides that of speaking in public. We must present our
principles in pamphlets and in our papers.—
Gospel Workers, 385
Every Adventist to Circulate It
—The temperance question
is to receive decided support from God’s people. Intemperance
is striving for the mastery; self-indulgence is increasing, and the
publications treating on health reform are greatly needed. Literature
bearing on this point is the helping hand of the gospel, leading souls
to search the Bible for a better understanding of the truth. The
note of warning against the great evil of intemperance should be
sounded; and that this may be done, every Sabbathkeeper should
study and practice the instruction contained in our health periodicals
and our health books. And they should do more than this: they
should make earnest efforts to circulate these publications among
their neighbors.—
Counsels on Health, 462
Reach the People Where They Are
—The circulation of our
health publications is a most important work. It is a work in which
all who believe the special truths for this time should have a living in-
terest. God desires that now, as never before, the minds of the people
shall be deeply stirred to investigate the great temperance question
and principles underlying true health reform. The physical life is to
be carefully educated, cultivated, and developed, that through men
and women, the divine nature may be revealed in its fullness. Both
the physical and the mental powers, with the affections, are to be so
trained that they can reach the highest efficiency. Reform, continual
reform, must be kept before the people....
The light God has given on health reform is for our salvation
and the salvation of the world. Men and women should be informed
in regard to the human habitation fitted up by our Creator as His
dwelling place, and over which He desires us to be faithful stewards.
These grand truths must be given to the world. We must reach the