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Appendix A Ellen G. White a Temperance Worker
Commissioned to Speak on Temperance
—I was also to speak
on the subject of temperance, as the Lord’s appointed messenger.
I have been called to many places to speak on temperance before
large assemblies. For many years I was known as a speaker on
Manuscript 140, 1905
I rejoice that it has been my privilege to bear my testimony on
this subject before crowded assemblies in many countries. Many
times I have spoken on this subject to large congregations at our
camp meetings.—
Letter 78, 1911
The Plan of Presentation
—We left the beaten track of the pop-
ular lecturer, and traced the origin of the prevailing intemperance
to the home, the family board, and the indulgence of appetite in
the child. Stimulating food creates a desire for still stronger stim-
ulants. The boy whose taste is thus vitiated, and who is not taught
self-control, is the drunkard, or tobacco slave of later years. The
subject was taken up upon this wide basis; and the duty of parents
was pointed out in training their children to right views of life and
its responsibilities, and in laying the foundation for their upright
Christian characters. The great work of temperance reform, to be
thoroughly successful, must begin in the home.—
The Review and
Herald, August 23, 1877
A Large Temperance Meeting at Kokomo, Indiana
—The ed-
itor of the
Kokomo Dispatch
was on the ground upon the Sabbath.
He afterward issued notices to the effect that we were to address the
people on the subject of Christian temperance, at the camp ground
on Sunday afternoon.... Three excursion trains poured their living
freight upon the grounds. The people here are very enthusiastic on
the temperance question. At 2:30 p.m. We spoke to about eight thou-
sand people on the subject of temperance, taken from a moral and
Christian standpoint. We were blessed with remarkable clearness
and liberty, and were heard with the best attention from the large
audience present.—
Review and Herald, August 23, 1877.