Seite 103 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 30—Care in Speaking of Others
Good Qualities in Others—Cultivate the habit of speaking well
of others. Dwell upon the good qualities of those with whom you
associate, and see as little as possible of their errors and failings.
When tempted to complain of what someone has said or done, praise
something in that person’s life or character. Cultivate thankfulness.
Praise God for His wonderful love in giving Christ to die for us.—
Ministry of Healing, 492
A Way of Salvation for the Tempted—No one is ever made
better by denunciation and recrimination. To tell a tempted soul of
his guilt in no way inspires him with a determination to do better.
Point the erring, discouraged one to Him who is able to save to the
uttermost all who come to Him. Show him what he may become. Tell
him that there is in him nothing that recommends him to God, but that
Christ died for him that he might be accepted in the Beloved.—
Character, and Personality 2:453
No Haughty or Accusing Words—Speech is a wonderful talent.
How much more will God be glorified with pleasant speech of, or in
regard to, His blood-bought heritage than with faultfinding. Clouds
will come; wicked speech will come from those who are enemies of
the truth, to oppress the righteous; but never let haughty and accusing
words come from any believers against other believers. Have we not
enough of God’s tokens and blessings to keep our mouth filled with
thanksgiving and praise, and glorify Him?
Will you be justified in uttering expressions of ill feeling and ill
repute against those whom we suppose have erred? Have we never
made any mistakes ourselves? Have we never been in the slough of
despond? God help us to bear in mind how hard it is when tempted of
the devil to have our own brethren step on the side of the devil, and
try to hurt and destroy. When tempted to speak words of faultfinding,
begin to sing, “Praise ye the Lord.”—
Manuscript 129, 1901
Flattery As Mind Perversion—All flattery should be put away,
for it is Satan’s work to flatter. Poor, weak, fallen men generally think