Seite 110 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
Windows Open Toward Heaven—The more you talk faith, the
more faith you will have. The more you dwell upon discouragement,
talking to others about your trials, and enlarging upon them, to enlist
the sympathy which you crave, the more discouragements and trials
you will have. Why mourn over that which we cannot avoid? God
is inviting us to close the windows of the soul earthward and open
them heavenward that He may flood our hearts with the glory which
is shining across the threshold of heaven.—
Mind, Character, and
Personality 2:579
Difficulties a Subject for Thanks—When someone asks how you
are feeling, do not try to think of something mournful to tell in order
to gain sympathy. Do not talk of your lack of faith and your sorrows
and sufferings. The tempter delights to hear such words. When talking
on gloomy subjects, you are glorifying him. We are not to dwell on
the great power of Satan to overcome us. Often we give ourselves into
his hands by talking of his power.
Let us talk instead of the great power of God to bind up all our
interests with His own. Tell of the matchless power of Christ, and
speak of His glory. All heaven is interested in our salvation. The
angels of God, thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten
thousand, are commissioned to minister to those who shall be heirs
of salvation. They guard us against evil and press back the powers
of darkness that are seeking our destruction. Have we not reason to
be thankful every moment, thankful even when there are apparent
difficulties in our pathway?—
The Ministry of Healing, 253, 254