Seite 126 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
The Spirit’s Help in Distinctness of Speech—The teacher of
truth is to take heed how he presents the truth. He is to speak every
word plainly and distinctly, with that earnest conviction which carries
conviction to hearts. If the words spoken are crowded upon each other,
the impression that should be made is lost. The talent of speech needs
to be cultivated, that the truth be spoken not excitedly, but slowly and
distinctly, that not a syllable may be lost. Rapidity of speech can and
should be corrected.
If the words of truth are of sufficient importance to be spoken
before an audience, they are of sufficient importance to be spoken
distinctly. The guidance of the Spirit never leads to indistinctness of
speech. The Spirit takes the things of God and presents them through
the human instrument to the people. Then let them come from our lips
in the most perfect manner possible.—
The Southern Work, October
27, 1903
Our Words a Channel for the Communication of Truth—We
should receive the education essential in the line of conversation that
we may know how to speak right words and how to speak in a proper
tone, that our words may be a power for good. The truth is no truth to
us unless it is brought into the inner courts of the soul. When this is
done, our words are a channel through which truth is communicated
to others. Sow the seed beside all waters, not knowing which shall
prosper, either this or that. But be constantly educating yourself in
how to use properly the faculty of speech. As you speak to others,
lift your heart to God, praying that He will prepare their hearts to
receive the heavenly seed. No man or woman can be that which they
might be as laborers together with God in propagating the seed of
truth without making earnest, painstaking effort in voice and word
Manuscript 74, 1897