Seite 132 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
gets out of repair, and produces discord instead of melody.
It is important for every speaker so to train the vocal organs as
to keep them in a healthful condition, that he may speak forth the
words of life to the people. Everyone should become intelligent as to
the most effective manner of using his God-given ability, and should
practice what he learns. It is not necessary to talk in a loud voice or
upon a high key; this does great injury to the speaker. Rapid talking
destroys much of the effect of a discourse; for the words cannot be
made so plain and distinct as if spoken more deliberately, giving the
hearer time to take in the meaning of every word.—
Evangelism, 667
Preservation of Life—When a speaker talks in the proper way,
taking deep, full inspirations, and throwing out the voice in clear,
distinct tones, the whole being is benefited. The exercise of my lungs
in deep breathing, as I have engaged in public speaking, has been a
life-preserver to me.
Care is always to be taken not to strain the vocal organs. They are
to be kept as smooth as possible. When you are speaking before a
congregation, let the abdominal muscles have the hardest part of the
work to do. The light given me for you is that you are to do more
public speaking, and that you are to be sure, when speaking, to exercise
the abdominal muscles. Your brain has been overstrained. Take heed
to the things I write you, and you will see that my words are true. As
you engage in the work the Lord points out for you, the Spirit of God
will impress minds through the words you speak. The spoken word
will make a deeper impression on hearts than the printed word.—Lt
92, 1910.
Right Voice Culture No Idle Tale—The human agent must take
himself in hand. God has given him physical and spiritual powers,
and these need to be constantly cultivated and improved. In a great
measure, physical weariness may be avoided by speaking slowly,
calmly, unexcitedly.
In speaking, many have made a constant tax upon their vocal
organs. The lungs have been injured, and premature death has ended
their work. Nature will not always endure the abuse placed upon her
laws. They are ignored by many, but eventually she will make her
protest, and punish the transgressor. If these workers would but learn
that God does not require this overtaxation, and that in overstraining
the delicate vital organs and shortening the period of their usefulness,