Seite 147 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 41—Earnestness and Assurance
Assurance in Presenting Precious Truth—The Word of God
must be administered with spirit and with life. It means life eternal
to all who receive it. A tame, uncertain delivery will do no good.
Improve in manner, voice, earnestness, and assurance, as if you knew
what you were handling. Oh, faith must be grasped more, much more
than it is now. We can have the most precious truths, and deliver them
in such a tame, uncertain, lifeless manner in the interpretation, as to
crush out from the precious meaning all the power to impress hearts
and awaken consciousness, because our own hearts do not take in the
solemn admonitions. Do we believe the Bible? If we do, we will
reveal it.—Lt 1a, 1896.
Animation in Preaching and Praying—Bear in mind that to be
a minister does not mean that you must do much preaching. Brethren,
I entreat of you to keep your own souls in the love of God, and never
let the wellsprings dry. A cold, joyless discourse will kill the church.
Bring animation into your words and prayers. There must be no cheap,
faithless sermons given. The truth abiding in the heart, sanctifying the
soul, will give you an appetite to feed on Christ, the Bread of Life, and
as you partake of the heavenly manna, you will be able to say, “Come
and eat that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.”
Let all your energies be consecrated ability. The Lord wants you to
represent the truth as it is in Jesus. Let there be nothing like striving
for supremacy.—Lt 1a, 1896.
Certainty Born of Heart Conviction—Do not present the truth
in a formal manner, but let the heart be vitalized by the Spirit of God,
and let your words be spoken with such certainty that those who hear
may know that the truth is a reality to you. Your manner may be
educated, and your words may be of that character that they will voice
the words of Peter: “For we have not followed cunningly devised
fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of
our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty.” With
just as much assurance you may declare the message of God’s truth.