Seite 156 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 43—No Harsh Words nor Debating Spirit
Use of Truth As a Scourge—In the past you have presented the
truth in a fierce way, using it as if it were a scourge. This has not
glorified the Lord. You have given the people the rich treasures of
God’s Word, but your manner has been so condemnatory that they have
turned from them. You have not taught the truth in the way that Christ
taught it. You present it in a way that mars its influence.... Your heart
needs to be filled with the converting grace of Christ.—
173, 174
No Help by Harshness—Preach the truth, but restrain the words
which show a harsh spirit; for such words cannot help or enlighten
Evangelism, 575, 576
Effect of One Drop of Gall—Every sermon you preach, every
article you write, may be all true; but one drop of gall in it will be
poison to the hearer or the reader. Because of that drop of poison, one
will discard all your good and acceptable words. Another will feed on
the poison; for he loves such harsh words; he follows your example,
and talks just as you talk. Thus the evil is multiplied.—
for the Church 6:123
Our Tongue As the Pen of a Ready Writer—Be careful that you
do not rail once. We want the Holy Spirit of God to be life and voice
for us. Our tongue should be as the pen of a ready writer, because the
Spirit of God is speaking through the human agent. When you use
that twit and fling, you have stirred in some of yourself, and we do not
want anything of that mixture.—
Evangelism, 172
On Guard Every Moment—Young preachers, and men who have
once been ministers, who have been coarse and rough in their manners,
making expressions in their conversation which were not perfectly
modest and chaste, are not fit to engage in this work until they give
evidence of an entire reform. One word spoken unadvisedly may do
more harm than a series of meetings held by them will do good. They
leave the standard of truth, which should be ever exalted, lowered
to the dust before the community. Their converts generally come up