Seite 158 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
The truth will cut to the quick. Let not your own spirit and passions
mingle with the truth as common fire with the sacred flame. Plainly
unfold the Word in all its impressiveness.
Many who are now the bitterest opponents of truth are acting up
to their honest convictions of duty, but they will yet see the truth, and
become its warm advocates. Those who now treat them with ridicule,
who manifest a harsh spirit toward them, will fall under temptation,
and bring reproach upon the cause of God, and cause the loss of souls
through their indiscretion. Many who go into the field at the call made
at the eleventh hour, will through the grace of Christ so present the
truth, that they will be accounted first.
We are not to voice inconsistency. It is our work to advance the
light, to inculcate ideas in the spirit of meekness and dependence
upon God. Let us seek to become overcomers, and thus receive the
overcomers’ reward. Do all in your power to reflect light, to bring souls
to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus, but abstain from speaking
irritating and provoking words. Present the truth in its simplicity, for it
must be confessed before man as it involves their eternal interest.—Lt
36, 1895.
No Combative Armor—The combative armor, the debating spirit,
must be laid off. If we would be Christlike we must reach men where
they are.—
Evangelism, 249
Inappropriate Debate—We have the most solemn message of
truth ever borne to the world. This truth is more and more respected
by unbelievers because it cannot be controverted. In view of this fact,
our young men become self-confident and self-inflated. They take the
truths which have been brought out by other minds, and without study
or earnest prayer meet opponents and engage in contests, indulging in
sharp speeches and witticisms, flattering themselves that this is doing
the work of a gospel minister. In order to be fitted for God’s work, these
men need as thorough a conversion as Paul experienced. Ministers
must be living representatives of the truth they preach. They must have
greater spiritual life, characterized by greater simplicity.—
for the Church 4:446
More Argument, More Opposition—Often, as you seek to
present the truth, opposition will be aroused; but if you seek to meet
the opposition with argument, you will only multiply it, and that you