Seite 175 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Speed and Tone
conversation, and why should they not speak thus when called upon to
bear testimony or to offer prayer?
When speaking of divine things, why not speak in distinct tones
and in a manner that will make it manifest that you know whereof you
speak, and are not ashamed to show your colors? Why not pray as if
you had a conscience void of offense, and could come to the throne
of grace in humility, yet with holy boldness, lifting up holy hands
without wrath and doubting? Do not bow down and cover up your
faces as if there were something that you desired to conceal; but lift up
your eyes toward the heavenly sanctuary, where Christ your Mediator
stands before the Father to present your prayers, mingled with His own
merit and spotless righteousness, as fragrant incense.—
Counsels to
Parents, Teachers, and Students, 241