Seite 197 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Real Proof of Preaching
will bear rule within. Evils without will awaken evils within, and
the soul will wander in its own homemade fog, all the time charging
upon someone else the result of its own unchristian course of action.—
Manuscript 11, 1899
Christ As the Great Center—Those who have not worked in full
consecration to God have lost much themselves, and have not been
able to communicate to the church correct principles of Christianity.
Self has not been hid in Christ. Those who handle sacred things are
not growing in grace and in the knowledge of the deep truths of the
Word of God, attaining to the full stature of men and women in Christ
Jesus. They fall short of the divine measure. Some have preached in
the desk, but have failed to reach the people, because they have not
had the sanctifying power of Christ in their own hearts. They have
not come in personal contact with the people, and they have not been
benefited as they might have been. Not all have presented Christ as the
great Center to whom all must come, realizing that He is the Author
and Finisher of their redemption, their all in all. The result of their
labor makes it manifest that they have not the deep personal experience
they should have, but need deeper piety and unselfish devotion to the
Manuscript 12, 1891
Failure to Practice the Word—Actions speak louder than words.
The sermon that is preached in the pulpit is counteracted by the sermon
that is preached in the lives of those who claim to be advocates of truth.
It is because of a lack of the practicing of the words of Christ that a
curse is coming upon our churches. If Christ is not living in His human
agent, then when circumstances are favorable to their development
the attributes of Satan will appear. A noble life is the most powerful
sermon in favor of Christianity. If we would live such a life, our
consciences must be quickened by continual contact with the Word of
God. Our souls must be familiar with the heavenly standard, and we
must avoid every course that diverges from the right.—Lt 71, 1895.
Constant Growth in Grace—Unless there is constant growth in
grace, we shall be wanting in words suitable for the occasion. The
reason so many of our ministers preach tame, lifeless discourses is that
they allow a variety of things of a worldly nature to take their time and
attention. Commune with your own heart and then commune with God.
Unless you do this, your efforts will be fruitless, made Christless by