Seite 202 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 54—Christ the Sum and Substance
Glory of the Incarnate God—If Jesus were made the sum and
substance of every discourse, sinners would be convicted. By the
message borne they would know what they must do to be saved. Lift
Him up, the Man of Calvary, higher and still higher. Who can declare
the glory of the incarnate God? What language can describe it? It is
not the men learned in this world’s wisdom who have true eloquence.—
Manuscript 176, 1899
Foundation of the Gospel—Theoretical discourses are essential,
that people may see the chain of truth, link after link, uniting in a per-
fect whole; but no discourse should ever be preached without present-
ing Christ and Him crucified as the foundation of the gospel.—
Workers, 158
True Example for Ministers—Will not our ministers wrestle in
earnest prayer that they may have a holy unction, that they may not
bring unimportant, unessential things into their labor at this important
time? Let them not bring into their ministerial labors that which
can be heard in any of the denominational churches. Let them ever
keep before their hearers an uplifted Saviour, in order to prevent their
converts from attaching themselves to the man, to bear his mold and
copy his ways in their manner of conversation and conduct. The Lord
has a variety of workers, who must impress the people in various lines.
One man’s ways are not to be considered perfect and to be adopted
exclusively in any congregation. Christ is our Example.—
21a, 1894
Simple Lessons of Christ—In the name of Jesus Christ, I would
appeal to the church who has been made the depository of deep and pre-
cious truths. God has given treasures to the church not to be hoarded,
not to be buried in the earth, but to be imparted to others, that others
may be enriched as well as ourselves. How shall we work? Let both
laymen and ministers follow the example of Christ. Let them meet
the people where they are. I would entreat you to labor in word and
doctrine; do not get above the simplicity of the work. Do not soar away