Seite 21 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Tool for Evangelism
words speak hope to his soul.... By the influence of words spoken
from a heart full of love, the discouraged ones may become trophies of
grace—heirs of God, and joint heirs with Jesus Christ.—
The Review
and Herald, February 16, 1897
Thoughts Suggested by God—If you will only follow on to know
the Lord, and do His bidding, you will know by your experience that
God will suggest thoughts to you as you attempt to speak words to
those who are around you, to restrain them from doing wrong, and to
point out to them the way of life.—
Manuscript 61, 1907
Tender Words, Not Harsh—Talk to souls in peril and get them
to behold Jesus upon the cross, dying to make it possible for Him to
pardon. Talk to the sinner with your own heart overflowing with the
tender, pitying love of Christ. Let there be deep earnestness; but not a
harsh, loud note should be heard from the one who is trying to win the
soul to look and live....
Christ crucified—talk it, pray it, sing it, and it will break and win
hearts. This is the power and wisdom of God to gather souls for Christ.
Formal, set phrases, the presentation of merely argumentative subjects,
is productive of little good.—
Testimonies for the Church 6:67
The Law of Kindness on Your Lips—Find access to the people
in whose neighborhood you live. As you tell them of the truth, use
words of Christlike sympathy.... Utter not one unkind word. Let the
love of Christ be in your hearts, the law of kindness on your lips.—
Testimonies for the Church 9:41
Gentle Words As Still Showers—We need to have close commu-
nion with God lest self rise up, as it did in Jehu, and we pour forth a
torrent of words that are unbefitting, that are not as dew, nor as the still
showers, which revive the withering plants. Let our words be gentle as
we seek to win souls. God will be wisdom to him who seeks for wis-
dom from a divine source. We are to seek opportunities on every hand.
We are to watch unto prayer, and be ready always to give an answer to
everyone who asks a reason for the hope that is in us. Lest we shall
impress unfavorably one soul for whom Christ has died, we should
keep our hearts uplifted to God, so that when the opportunity presents
itself, we may have the right word to speak at the right time.—
Review and Herald, October 7, 1902
Deeds Combined With Words—God desires that the bounties
He has freely given to His children be communicated to those who