Seite 212 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 57—Testing Truths
Truth for This Time—We are to dwell in our doctrinal discourses
upon the truth as it is in Jesus. Present the truth for this time as
an important message, from another world. Lift Him up, the Man
of Calvary. Come in consecration to holier ground, and still holier.
Preach the truth with the power of God sent down from heaven. Let
the truth take hold of the spiritual part of our own nature, and then
the current of divine power will be communicated to those whom we
address. Bear in mind you must have increased faith. Our faith is too
small. What can give us the aid the crisis demands is the intelligent
knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. We want His nature—all
our faculties and powers strengthened and vitalized by the Spirit of
Christ.—Lt 230, 1899.
The Third Angel’s Message—The present truth, the special mes-
sage given to our world, even the third angel’s message, comprehends
a vast field, containing heavenly treasures. No one can be excusable
who says, “I will no longer have anything to do with these special mes-
sages; I will preach Christ.” No one can preach Christ, and present the
truth as it is in Jesus, unless he presents the truths that are to come be-
fore the people at the present time, when such important developments
are taking place.—
Manuscript 33, 1897
Common Truths First—Jesus spoke before the Pharisees and
Sadducees in parables, hiding the clearness of truth under symbols
and figures because they would make a wrong use of the truths He
presented before them; but to His disciples He spoke plainly. We
should learn from Christ’s method of teaching and be careful not to
cut off the ears of the people by presenting truths which, not being
fully explained, they are in no way prepared to receive.
The truths that we hold in common should be dwelt upon first
and the confidence of the hearers obtained; then, as the people can
be brought along, we can advance slowly with the matter presented.
Great wisdom is needed to present unpopular truth before a prejudiced
people in the most cautious manner, that access may be gained to their