Seite 222 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
are on a level; all are condemned alike by that great moral standard of
righteousness. Proclaim remission of sins through Christ, the only Sin-
bearer, the only Sin-pardoner. Proclaim the remission of sins through
repentance toward God and faith in Christ, and God will ratify your
testimony. With all assurance you can proclaim the means by which a
holy character may be obtained—as Enoch obtained it, through Christ
Every messenger of God can proclaim pardon and remission of
sins through the name of Christ, who died to redeem the sinner. The
Lord’s full favor comes to those who seek Him with the whole heart,
and are willing to follow Him in doing God’s will, enthroning Christ
in the heart, planting His attributes deep in the life practice. These
have a constraining motive, a supreme love for Christ our Saviour,
which brings even the thoughts into captivity to Him.—
138, 1897
Convicting and Converting Truths—In every congregation there
are souls upon whom the Spirit of the Lord is moving, and they need
help in order that they may understand what they must do to be saved.
You have often presented grand scenes before them which they could
not comprehend. Those who are imaginative may grasp these lofty
thoughts, but to the larger number such discourses are only as Greek
[to them]. Dwell upon truths that convict and convert souls. God is at
work in the tent, though there be few or many present.
From unfeigned lips you should breathe a prayer that God would
guide you to give to every man his portion of meat in due season, and
so aid you that you will not get above the simplicity of the gospel to
dwell upon favorite subjects which will not enlighten the darkened
conscience, or convince men of sin, of righteousness, and judgment
to come. In distinct lines, present to your hearers what they must do
to be saved; lead them into the paths of truth and holiness. As the
flock of the pasture, lead them where they may drink the water of
salvation.—Lt 29, 1895.
Unreserved Consecration—Some time ago I wrote in my diary
the following: “We seemed to be assembled in a meeting. One of
authority was present. He said: ‘Say to ministers and evangelists,
Carry the work forward with true spirituality. Make the application
that is made in the Word of God, that the result may not be merely a
sympathetic stirring of the feelings—a result that will fade away into