Seite 224 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 60—Practical Godliness
Way to the Heart—Ministers would reach more hearts if they
would dwell more upon practical godliness. Frequently, when efforts
are made to present the truth in new fields, the discourses given are
largely theoretical....
In every discourse fervent appeals should be made to the people to
forsake their sins and turn to Christ. The popular sins and indulgences
of our day should be condemned, and practical godliness enjoined.
Feeling from the heart the importance of the words he utters, the true
minister is unable to repress his concern for the souls of those for
whom he labors.—
Gospel Workers, 158, 159
A Place in Every Discourse—The most convincing arguments
may be presented, and yet sinners seem as far from salvation as ever.
Ministers should not preach sermon after sermon on doctrinal subjects
alone. Practical godliness should find a place in every discourse.—
Evangelism, 178
Purity, Holiness, and Usefulness—Purity, holiness, and useful-
ness should be the burden of every sermon, the burden of every
prayer.—Lt 27, 1888.
Store of Practical Subjects—You should be careful and study to
have a store of practical subjects that you have investigated and that
you can enter into the spirit of and present in a plain, forcible manner to
the people at the right time and place as they may need. You have not
been thoroughly furnished from the Word of Inspiration unto all good
works. When the flock have needed spiritual food, you have frequently
presented some argumentative subject that was no more appropriate
for the occasion than an oration upon national affairs.—
for the Church 3:228
Practical Godliness a New Revelation—The members of the var-
ious churches are very ignorant in regard to the Bible, and the simplest
lessons on practical godliness come to them as a new revelation. They
need to know what is truth. Do not take up lines of thought that will