Seite 245 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Men and Women of the Bible
that he saw in his home life was sound and sensible. The faith of his
mother and his grandmother in the sacred oracles was to him a constant
reminder of the blessing in doing God’s will. The Word of God was
the rule by which these two godly women had guided Timothy. The
spiritual power of the lessons that he had received from them kept him
pure in speech and unsullied by the evil influences with which he was
surrounded. Thus his home instructors had cooperated with God in
preparing him to bear burdens.
Paul saw that Timothy was faithful, steadfast, and true, and he
chose him as a companion in labor and travel. Those who had taught
Timothy in his childhood were rewarded by seeing the son of their
care linked in close fellowship with the great apostle. Timothy was
a mere youth when he was chosen by God to be a teacher; but his
principles had been so established by his early education that he was
fitted to take his place as Paul’s helper. And though young, he bore his
responsibilities with Christian meekness.—
The Acts of the Apostles,
203, 204