Seite 269 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 66—Voice Culture and Song
A Subject for Every School—I am glad that a musical element
has been brought into the Healdsburg School. In every school, instruc-
tion in singing is greatly needed. There should be much more interest
in voice culture than is now generally manifested. Students who have
learned to sing sweet gospel songs with melody and distinctness, can
do much good as singing evangelists. They will find many oppor-
tunities to use the talent that God has given them, carrying melody
and sunshine into many lonely places darkened by sin and sorrow and
affliction, singing to those who seldom have church privileges.—
Review and Herald, August 27, 1903
Correct Intonation and Pronunciation—No words can properly
set forth the deep blessedness of genuine worship. When human beings
sing with the spirit and the understanding, heavenly musicians take up
the strain and join in the song of thanksgiving. He who has bestowed
upon us all the gifts that enable us to be workers together with God,
expects His servants to cultivate their voices so that they can speak
and sing in a way that all can understand. It is not loud singing that
is needed, but clear intonation, correct pronunciation, and distinct
utterance. Let all take time to cultivate the voice so that God’s praise
can be sung in clear, soft tones, not with harshness and shrillness that
offend the ear. The ability to sing is the gift of God; let it be used to
His glory.—
Testimonies for the Church 9:143, 144
Beauty, Pathos, and Power—Music can be a great power for
good; yet we do not make the most of this branch of worship. The
singing is generally done from impulse or to meet special cases, and
at other times those who sing are left to blunder along, and the music
loses its proper effect upon the minds of those present. Music should
have beauty, pathos, and power. Let the voices be lifted in songs
of praise and devotion. Call to your aid, if practicable, instrumental
music, and let the glorious harmony ascend to God, an acceptable