Seite 290 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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The Voice in Speech and Song
to make music in our homes, that God may come in.—
499, 500
Memorial Songs—The dealings of God with His people should
be often repeated.... Lest they should forget the history of the past,
He commanded Moses to frame these events into song, that parents
might teach them to their children.... We need often to recount God’s
goodness and to praise Him for His wonderful works.—
for the Church 6:364, 365
Music in the Schools of the Prophets—The chief subjects of
study in these schools were the law of God, with the instruction given
to Moses, sacred history, sacred music, and poetry.... Sanctified in-
tellect brought forth from the treasure house of God things new and
old, and the Spirit of God was manifested in prophecy and sacred
Education, 47
Sacred Melody for Students—The art of sacred melody was dili-
gently cultivated. No frivolous waltz was heard, nor flippant song that
should extol man and divert the attention from God; but sacred, solemn
psalms of praise to the Creator, exalting His name and recounting His
wondrous works. Thus music was made to serve a holy purpose, to
lift the thoughts to that which was pure and noble and elevating, and
to awaken in the soul devotion and gratitude to God.—
of Christian Education, 97, 98
Music for a Holy Purpose—Music was made to serve a holy
purpose, to lift the thoughts to that which is pure, noble, and elevating,
and to awaken in the soul devotion and gratitude to God. What a
contrast between the ancient custom and the uses to which music is
now too often devoted! How many employ this gift to exalt self, instead
of using it to glorify God! A love for music leads the unwary to unite
with world-lovers in pleasure-gatherings where God has forbidden
His children to go. Thus that which is a great blessing when rightly
used, becomes one of the most successful agencies by which Satan
allures the mind from duty and from the contemplation of eternal
Patriarchs and Prophets, 594
David’s Psalm a Continuing Inspiration—The communion with
nature and with God ... were not only to mold the character of David,
and to influence his future life, but through the psalms of Israel’s sweet
singer, they were, in all coming ages, to kindle love and faith in the