Seite 31 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Chapter 7—Students and Speech
Speech As Influenced by the Truth Within—If students will
have the moral courage to live the truth day by day, its sanctifying
power will have a wonderful influence on their speech. They may make
some alteration in their ways and manners, but no fruit is produced
until the speech is sanctified. They may hear the truth, but they will
make no decided change unless they eat the Word of God. Until the
truth becomes a part of them, they may assent to it till it is opposed, but
they show by their speech that the Word is not to them the bread of life.
God has given to everyone the opportunity and privilege of becoming
a partaker of the divine nature, thus becoming one with Jesus Christ.
But many show by their words that they do not feed on Jesus Christ,
and therefore they cannot shine, they cannot communicate that which
is not their meat and drink. Their use of the talent of speech shows
that they have gathered only chaff.—
Manuscript 74, 1897
Cultivation of the Voice—Young men and women, has God
placed in your hearts a desire to do service for Him? Then by all
means cultivate the voice to the utmost of your ability, so that you can
make plain the precious truth to others. Do not fall into the habit of
praying so indistinctly and in so low a tone that your prayers need an
interpreter. Pray simply, but clearly and distinctly. To let the voice sink
so low that it cannot be heard, is no evidence of humility.—
Workers, 89
Power to Communicate—The extent of a Christian’s usefulness
is measured by his power to communicate that which he has received,
and which has become experience to him. Education falls short if
students do not obtain a knowledge of how to use the faculty of speech,
and how to use to the best advantage the education they have obtained.
The youth are to commence when young to learn the proper manner
of speech.—
Manuscript 74, 1897
Thorough Training in Correct Language—If your students, be-
sides studying God’s Word, learn no more than how to use correctly
the English language in reading, writing, and speaking, a great work