Seite 41 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Influence of Words
Permanent Effect of Foolish Words—As professed Christians,
we should consider the influence our words have upon those with
whom we come into association, whether they are believers or unbe-
lievers. Our words are watched, and mischief is done by thoughtless
utterances. No after association with believers or unbelievers will
wholly counteract the unfavorable influence of thoughtless, foolish
words. Our words evidence the manner of food upon which the soul
The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 3:1159, 1160
Power of Example—When a crisis comes in the life of any soul,
and you attempt to give counsel or admonition, your words will have
only the weight of influence for good that your own example and spirit
have gained for you.—
Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 127