Seite 7 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Ellen White’s formal education ended when she was only nine
years old, so she never had the privilege of studying under the speech
or voice professionals of her day. Nevertheless, taught by the Lord,
she became one of America’s outstanding women preachers. For more
than 70 years, long before the days of microphones and public address
systems, she spoke to large audiences of up to 20,000 people
Always ready to speak, especially on the subject of temperance,
she declared, “When asked to speak on temperance, I have never hes-
itated” (MS. 31, 1911). Once she met the competition of Barnum’s
Circus in Battle Creek, Michigan, with a 90-minute temperance lecture
delivered to 5,000 eager listeners. She spoke in a city hall in Haver-
hill, Massachusetts; in a prison in Salem, Oregon; on an improvised
platform composed of beer tables in Norway; and at open-air meetings
and in churches, halls, and tents on three continents. She was in con-
stant demand as a camp meeting speaker. Ellen White was a powerful
Were it not for her books, Ellen White no doubt would be best
remembered today for her pulpit ministry. But she did more than
preach; she wrote—
prolifically. Some 70 books currently carry her byline. Nearly all
have sold in the tens of thousands, some even in the millions. The
present work joins this long line of best sellers. It will be welcomed
by ministers, teachers, musicians, and all others who are especially
concerned with the use of the voice
The counsels published here are God-given; they are trustworthy
and reliable. This volume is sent forth with the prayer that it will bring
a blessing to all who seek to improve their voice talent for the glory of
God and the benefit of humanity
The Trustees of the
Ellen G. White Estate