Seite 75 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Illustrations, Symbols, and Figures of Speech
Old Testament Scriptures, divine, momentous truths are revealed; and
in His teaching, Jesus laid these open before the people, bound up
with the beauty of natural things.—
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and
Students, 178, 179
Figures and Symbols—For His own wise purpose the Lord veils
spiritual truths in figures and symbols. Through the use of figures of
speech the plainest and most telling rebuke was often given to His
accusers and enemies, and they could find in His words no occasion to
condemn Him. In parables and comparisons He found the best method
of communicating divine truth. In simple language, using figures and
illustrations drawn from the natural world, He opened spiritual truth
to His hearers, and gave expression to precious principles that would
have passed from their minds, and left scarcely a trace, had He not
connected His words with stirring scenes of life, experience, or nature.
In this way He called forth their interest, aroused inquiry, and when
He had fully secured their attention, He decidedly impressed upon
them the testimony of truth. In this way He was able to make sufficient
impression upon the heart so that afterward His hearers could look
upon the thing with which He connected His lesson, and recall the
words of the divine Teacher.—
Fundamentals of Christian Education,