Seite 77 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Worker’s Model
understanding of those who sought Him a knowledge of self, and of
the soul’s highest need.
Christ’s discourses were the spiritual explanation of His ministry
for the afflicted.—.
No Mere Sermonizing—Christ is the minister’s Model. How di-
rectly to the point, how well adapted to the purpose and circumstances,
are Christ’s words! How clear and forcible are His illustrations! His
style is characterized by simplicity and solemnity. Throughout the
teachings of Christ, there is nothing to justify the minister in the rela-
tion of humorous anecdotes in the pulpit. The lessons of Christ should
be carefully studied, and the subjects, manner, and form of discourses
should be modeled after the divine Pattern. Oratorical display, flashy
rhetoric, and fine gestures do not constitute a fine discourse.... He did
not sermonize as men do today. In intensely earnest tones He assured
them of the truths of the life to come, of the way of salvation.—
Review and Herald, June 23, 1891