Seite 91 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Love and Kindness
influence over them for good. To many, frequent, positive admonitions
will do more harm than good. Let Christlike kindness be enjoined
upon all.—.
A Cure for Sickness and Grief—The Lord Jesus wants us to bear
a pleasant countenance, and to speak kind, sympathetic words. Even
if we are sick, or if we feel out of sorts, we need not tell others. If we
will talk of the goodness of the Lord, this will act as a cure for sadness
and grief.—
Manuscript 39, 1908
God’s Word a Guide for Daily Speech—Our words, whether we
are in the home or associating with those outside the home, will be
kind and affectionate and pure. If we study the Word, and make it a
part of our lives, as represented by the words, “Eating the Word,” we
shall have a wholesome experience, which will always speak forth the
truth. We shall search our hearts diligently, comparing our daily speech
and tenor of work with the Word, that we may make no mistake.—
Manuscript 3, 1906
Outward Expression of Inward Grace—The chief requisite of
language is that it be pure and kind and true—“the outward expression
of an inward grace.” ... The best school for this language study is the
Kind words are as dew and gentle showers to the soul. The Scrip-
ture says of Christ that grace was poured into His lips, that He might
“know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary.” And the
Lord bids us, “Let your speech be alway with grace,” “that it may
minister grace unto the hearers.”—
The Adventist Home, 435
Courteous Christians—Christians are elevated in their conversa-
tion; and although they believe it to be sin to condescend to foolish
flattery, they are courteous, kind, and benevolent. Their words are
those of sincerity and truth.—
Messages to Young People, 349
Pleasure Provided by God—God has provided for everyone plea-
sure that may be enjoyed by rich and poor alike—the pleasure found
in cultivating pureness of thought and unselfishness of action, the plea-
sure that comes from speaking sympathizing words and doing kindly
deeds. From those who perform such service, the light of Christ shines
to brighten lives darkened by many sorrows.—
Testimonies for the
Church 9:57
Kindly Words and Loving Deeds—God desires that the bounties
which He has freely given to His children shall be communicated to