Seite 99 - The Voice in Speech and Song (1988)

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Discernment in Reproof
heart. Speech is a great talent; and God desires every one of you to
reach the standard of Christlikeness. Let every word you speak bless
and elevate.—
Manuscript 65, 1901
Criticism of Others—There is often a great temptation to talk of
things which do not profit the speaker or the hearer, but which bring
evil and barrenness to both. Our probationary time is too brief to be
spent in dwelling upon the shortcomings of others.—
Testimonies for
the Church 4:135
Sanctified Lips—The truly converted man has no inclination to
think or talk of the faults of others. His lips are sanctified, and as God’s
witness he testifies that the grace of Christ has transformed his heart....
Those only will enter heaven who have overcome the temptation to
think and speak evil.—
Sons and Daughters of God, 348
Today’s Cannibals—Slanderous speeches, which is in truth can-
nibalism, will not be spoken by those who are feeding on that which
is the Bread of Life, the Word of the living God, and delighting them-
selves on the marrow and fatness of God’s exceeding great and precious
promises. Through Jesus Christ the soul is in communion with the
heavenly angels, and can have no desire to indulge in foolish chit-chat
conversation, to sit at the table with slanderers (cannibals). Jesus Christ
would have His children “laborers together with Him,” prayerful, kind,
benevolent, and full of activity.—Lt 14a, 1893.
Seeds of Suspicion and Distrust—Let those who fear God and
believe the truth put a guard on their lips. Let them be determined
not to speak words that will injure the cause of God, or give a wrong
representation of the work being done in any of His institutions. Let
them be careful not to speak words that will be a temptation to someone
else to withhold the confidence and the words of courage that ought
to be given to those who have been severely tried, and who, perhaps,
have been working early and late to fulfill the many calls of duty
coming to them, until it seems as if the mind would give way under the
strain. Often, at such times, false impressions regarding such workers
are made on minds by cruel words, full of surmisings. The seeds of
suspicion and distrust, like thistledown, are carried far and wide, and
can never be gathered up.—
Manuscript 94, 1904
Words the Holy Spirit Can Approve—The love of God in the
heart will always lead us to speak gentle words. “Charity (love) suffer-
eth long and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is