Page 122 - Conflict and Courage (1970)

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Sins That Scar, April 19
Numbers 25
Numbers 31:16
For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of
instruction are the way of life: to keep thee from the evil woman, from the
flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.
Proverbs 6:23, 24
The crime that brought the judgments of God upon Israel was that of licen-
tiousness. The forwardness of women to entrap souls did not end at Baal-peor.
Notwithstanding the punishment that followed the sinners in Israel, the same
crime was repeated many times. Satan was most active in seeking to make
Israel’s overthrow complete. Balak by the advice of Balaam laid the snare. Israel
would have bravely met their enemies in battle, and resisted them, and come off
conquerors; but when women invited their attention and sought their company
and beguiled them by their charms, they did not resist temptations. They were
invited to idolatrous feasts, and their indulgence in wine further beclouded their
dazed minds. The power of self-control, their allegiance to God’s law, was not
preserved. Their senses were so beclouded with wine, and their unholy passions
had such full sway, overpowering every barrier, that they invited temptation even
to the attending of these idolatrous feasts. Those who had never flinched in
battle, who were brave men, did not barricade their souls to resist temptation to
indulge their basest passions.... They first defiled their conscience by lewdness,
and then departed from God still farther by idolatry, thus showing contempt for
the God of Israel.
Near the close of this earth’s history Satan will work with all his powers in
the same manner and with the same temptations wherewith he tempted ancient
Israel just before their entering the land of promise. He will lay snares for
those who claim to keep the commandments of God, and who are almost on the
borders of the heavenly Canaan. He will use his powers to their utmost in order
to entrap souls, and to take God’s professed people upon their weakest points....
It is now the duty of God’s commandment-keeping people to watch and pray,
to search the Scriptures diligently, to hide the word of God in the heart, lest
they sin against Him in idolatrous thoughts and debasing practices, and thus the
church of God become demoralized
The Review and Herald, May 17, 1887