Page 334 - Conflict and Courage (1970)

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Enslaved by Money, November 7
Matthew 26:14-16
Matthew 26:47-49
Matthew 27:3-8
Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priests,
and said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you?
And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.
Matthew 26:14,
Judas had naturally a strong love for money; but he had not always been
corrupt enough to do such a deed as this. He had fostered the evil spirit of
avarice until it had become the ruling motive of his life. The love of mammon
overbalanced his love for Christ. Through becoming the slave of one vice he
gave himself to Satan....
Judas was highly regarded by the disciples, and had great influence over
them. He himself had a high opinion of his own qualifications, and looked upon
his brethren as greatly inferior to him in judgment and ability. They did not
see their opportunities, he thought, and take advantage of circumstances. The
church would never prosper with such shortsighted men as leaders. Peter was
impetuous; he would move without consideration. John, who was treasuring
up the truths that fell from Christ’s lips, was looked upon by Judas as a poor
financier. Matthew, whose training had taught him accuracy in all things, was
very particular in regard to honesty, and he was ever contemplating the words of
Christ, and became so absorbed in them that, as Judas thought, he could not be
trusted to do sharp, farseeing business. Thus Judas summed up all the disciples,
and flattered himself that the church would often be brought into perplexity and
embarrassment if it were not for his ability as a manager
The history of Judas presents the sad ending of a life that might have been
honored of God. Had Judas died before his last journey to Jerusalem he would
have been regarded as a man worthy of a place among the twelve, and one who
would be greatly missed. The abhorrence which has followed him through the
centuries would not have existed but for the attributes revealed at the close of his
history. But it was for a purpose that his character was laid open to the world. It
was to be a warning to all who, like him, should betray sacred trusts.... For thirty
pieces of silver—the price of a slave—he sold the Lord of glory to ignominy
and death
The Desire of Ages, 716, 717
Ibid., 716