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Chapter 46—Evils of Indulgence
True Love Is Not Indulgent—Love is the key to a child’s heart,
but the love that leads parents to indulge their children in unlawful
desires is not a love that will work for their good. The earnest affec-
tion which springs from love to Jesus will enable parents to exercise
judicious authority and to require prompt obedience. The hearts of
parents and children need to be welded together, so that as a family
they may be a channel through which wisdom, virtue, forbearance,
kindness, and love may flow
Too Much Freedom Makes Prodigal Sons—The reason that
children do not become godly is because they are allowed too much
freedom. Their will and inclination is indulged.... Many prodigal sons
become such because of indulgence in the home, because their parents
have not been doers of the Word. The mind and purpose are to be
sustained by firm, undeviating, sanctified principles. Consistency and
affection are to be enforced by a lovely and consistent example
The More Indulgence, the Harder the Management—Parents,
make home happy for your children. By this I do not mean that you
are to indulge them. The more they are indulged, the harder they will
be to manage, and the more difficult it will be for them to live true,
noble lives when they go out into the world. If you allow them to do
as they please, their purity and loveliness of character will quickly
fade. Teach them to obey. Let them see that your authority must be
respected. This may seem to bring them a little unhappiness now, but
it will save them from much unhappiness in the future
To indulge a child when young and erring is a sin. A child should
be kept under control
The Review and Herald, June 24, 1890
Letter 117, 1898
Manuscript 2, 1903
Letter 144, 1906