Seite 267 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Chapter 58—Training for Practical Life
Why God Appointed Labor for Adam and Eve—The Lord
made Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden to dress
the garden and keep it for the Lord. It was for their happiness to have
some employment, or else the Lord would not have appointed them
their work
When in counsel with the Father before the world was, it was
designed that the Lord God should plant a garden for Adam and Eve in
Eden and give them the task of caring for the fruit trees and cultivating
and training the vegetation. Useful labor was to be their safeguard,
and it was to be perpetuated through all generations to the close of
earth’s history
Example of Jesus as the Perfect Workman—In His earth-life,
Christ was ... obedient and helpful in the home. He learned the
carpenter’s trade and worked with His own hands in the little shop at
Nazareth.... The Bible says of Jesus, “And the child grew, and waxed
strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon
him.” As He worked in childhood and youth, mind and body were
developed. He did not use His physical powers recklessly, but gave
them such exercise as would keep them in health, that He might do the
best work in every line. He was not willing to be defective, even in the
handling of tools. He was perfect as a workman, as He was perfect in
Every article He made was well made, the different parts fitting
exactly, the whole able to bear test
He Toiled Daily With Patient Hands—Jesus made the lowly
paths of human life sacred by His example.... His life was one of
diligent industry. He, the Majesty of heaven, walked the streets, clad
in the simple garb of the common laborer. He toiled up and down the
Manuscript 24b, 1894
The Signs of the Times, August 13, 1896
Fundamentals of Christian Education, 417, 418
Evangelism, 378