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Chapter 76—Preparing for Church Membership
A Well-balanced Training—Instruction should be given as God
has directed. Patiently, carefully, diligently, mercifully, children should
be trained. Upon all parents rests the obligation of giving their children
physical, mental, and spiritual instruction. It is essential ever to keep
before children the claims of God.
Physical training, the development of the body, is far more easily
given than spiritual training....
Soul culture, which gives purity and elevation to the thoughts and
fragrance to word and act, requires more painstaking effort. It takes
patience to keep every evil motive weeded from the garden of the
The spiritual training should in no case be neglected. Let us teach
our children the beautiful lessons of God’s Word, that through these
they may gain a knowledge of Him. Let them understand that they
should do nothing which is not right. Teach them to do justice and
judgment. Tell them that you cannot permit them to take a wrong
course. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ present them to God at
the throne of grace. Let them know that Jesus lives to make intercession
for them. Encourage them to form characters fashioned after the divine
Knowledge of God and Christ Is Fundamental—The spiritual
training should in no case be neglected, for “the fear of the Lord is the
beginning of wisdom.”
Psalm 111:10
. By some, education is placed
next to religion, but true education is religion
Define Practical Religious Experience—Practical instruction in
religious experience is what Christian parents should be prepared to
give their children. God requires this of you, and you neglect your
duty if you fail to perform this work. Instruct your children in regard
to God’s chosen methods of discipline and the conditions of success
in the Christian life. Teach them that they cannot serve God and have
The Review and Herald, September 15, 1904
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 108