Seite 53 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Chapter 9—A Call for Self-Improvement
Continual Advancement Necessary—The mother’s work is such
that it demands continual advancement in her own life, in order that she
may lead her children to higher and still higher attainments. But Satan
lays his plans to secure the souls of both parents and children. Mothers
are drawn away from the duties of home and the careful training of
their little ones, to the service of self and the world
For the sake of their children, if for no other reason, mothers should
cultivate their intellects, for they bear a greater responsibility in their
work than does the king upon his throne. Few mothers feel the weight
of the trust that is given them, or realize the efficiency they can attain
for their peculiar work through patient, thorough effort in self-culture.
And first, the mother needs to strictly discipline and cultivate all
the faculties and affections of the mind and heart, that she may not
have a distorted or one-sided character and leave the marks of her
deficiency or eccentricity upon her offspring. Many mothers need [to]
be roused to see the positive necessity of a change in their purposes
and characters in order to perform acceptably the duties they have
voluntarily assumed by entering upon the married life. The channel
of woman’s usefulness can be widened and her influence extended to
an almost unlimited degree if she will give proper attention to these
matters, which affect the destiny of the human race
Constantly Increase in Wisdom and Efficiency—Mothers,
above all others, should accustom themselves to thought and investi-
gation if they would increase in wisdom and efficiency. Those who
persevere in this course will soon perceive that they are acquiring the
faculty in which they thought themselves deficient; they are learning
to form aright the characters of their children. The result of the labor
and thought given to this work will be seen in their obedience, their
simplicity, their modesty and purity. This result will richly repay all
the effort made.
Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 60
Pacific Health Journal, May, 1890