Seite 79 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Chapter 17—Cleanliness
God Is Particular—The Lord commanded the children of Israel
to wash their clothes and put away all impurity from their encampment,
lest in passing by He should see their uncleanness. God is passing
by our homes today, and He looks upon the unsanitary conditions of
families and the lax habits. Had we not better reform, and that without
Parents, God has made you His agents, that you may instill right
principles in the minds of your children. You have in trust the Lord’s
little ones, and that God who was so particular that the children of
Israel should grow up with habits of cleanliness will not sanction any
impurity in the home today. God has given you the work of educating
your children in these lines, and in training your children in habits of
cleanliness, you teach them spiritual lessons. They will see that God
would have them clean in heart as well as in body, and will be led
to an understanding of the pure principles which God designs should
prompt every act of their lives
If God was so particular to enjoin cleanliness upon those journey-
ing in the wilderness, who were in the open air nearly all the time, He
requires no less of us who live in ceiled houses, where impurities are
more observable and have a more unhealthful influence
Cleanliness Should Become Second Nature—Uncleanness in
the home is a great mistake, for it is educating in its effects and casts its
influence abroad. Even in babyhood a right direction should be given
to the minds and habits of children.... Show them that uncleanness,
whether in body or dress, is objectionable to God. Teach them to eat in
a clean manner. Constant vigilance must be exercised that these habits
may become second nature to them.... Impurity will be despised as it
should be....
Oh, that all would understand that these small duties are not to be
neglected. The whole of their future life will be shaped by the habits
Manuscript 32, 1899
Counsels on Health, 82