Seite 83 - Child Guidance (1954)

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Chapter 18—Neatness, Order, and Regularity
Cultivate Order and Taste—The cultivation of order and taste is
an important part of the education of children....
As the guardian and teacher of your children, you are in duty bound
to do every little thing in the home with nicety and in order. Teach
your children the invaluable lesson of keeping their clothing tidy. Keep
your own clothing clean and sweet and respectable....
You are under obligation to God always to be patterns of propriety
in your home.... Remember that in heaven there is no disorder, and that
your home should be a heaven here below. Remember that in doing
faithfully from day to day the little things to be done in the home, you
are a laborer together with God, perfecting a Christian character
Bear in mind, parents, that you are working for the salvation of
your children. If your habits are correct, if you reveal neatness and
order, virtue and righteousness, sanctification of soul, body, and spirit,
you respond to the words of the Redeemer, “Ye are the light of the
Train in Habits of Neatness—Every family is required to be
trained in habits of neatness, cleanliness, and thoroughness. We who
profess to believe the truth must make manifest to the world that the
principles of truth and righteousness do not make people coarse, rough,
untidy, and disorderly....
Love for God will be expressed in the family by love for our
children. Genuine love will not let them drift into slackness and
untidiness, because this is the easiest way; but from the pure example
set before them by the parents, by the loving but inflexible firmness in
cultivating industrious habits, they will educate their children after the
same order
Teach Children to Care for Clothing—Begin early to teach the
little ones to take care of their clothing. Let them have a place to
Letter 47a, 1902
Manuscript 79, 1901
Manuscript 24, 1894