Seite 93 - Evangelism (1946)

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The Evangelistic Company
Organization of Companies Called For—God says, “Enter the
cities. Give the inhabitants of these cities the call to prepare for the
coming of the Lord.”...
Many in the cities are still without the light of the gospel message.
Those who neglect to sound forth the last message of warning will
in the future suffer deep regret. My message is, “Let companies
be organized to enter the cities. Seek proper locations for holding
meetings. Circulate our literature. Make earnest efforts to reach
Letter 106, 1910
Corps of Workers in Every Large City—In every large city there
should be a corps of organized, well-disciplined workers; not merely
one or two, but scores should be set to work....
Each company of workers should be under the direction of a com-
petent leader, and it should ever be kept before them that they are to be
missionaries in the highest sense of the term. Such systematic labor,
wisely conducted, would produce blessed results.—
Medical Ministry,
300, 301
Varied Talents Needed—The Lord desires that the cities shall be
worked by the united efforts of laborers of different capabilities. All
are to look to Jesus for direction, not depending on man for wisdom,
lest they be led astray.—
Testimonies For The Church 9:109
Well-trained Companies—There should be companies orga-
nized, and educated most thoroughly to work as nurses, as evangelists,
as ministers, as canvassers, as gospel students, to perfect a charac-
ter after the divine similitude.—
Testimonies For The Church 9:171,
Generalship Sets Men to Work—Let every man work who can
work. The very best general is not the one who does the most work
himself, but one who will obtain the greatest amount of labor from
Letter 1, 1883