Seite 224 - Healthful Living (1897)

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Healthful Living
1141. The Lord has given special light concerning our hygienic
principles, which should be given to others.... Those who are in
ignorance are to be educated how to live in accordance with pure
principles; to practise those things that will preserve the body in a
healthy condition.—
Unpublished Testimonies, July 5, 1892
1142. The medical missionary can do a great amount of good by
educating the people as to how to live.—
The Review and Herald, June
18, 1895
1143. Rally workers who possess true missionary zeal, and let
them go forth to diffuse light and knowledge far and near. Let them
take the living principles of health reform into communities that to
a large degree are ignorant of how they should live.—
Testimonies, July, 1895
Open Fields
1144. The South is a field where medical missionary work can be
one of the greatest blessings.—
Special Testimonies for Ministers and
Workers 6:49
1145. Those who love Christ will do the works of Christ. They
will go forth to seek and to save that which was lost. They will not
shun those who are despised, and turn aside from the colored race.
They will teach them how to read and how to perform manual labor,
educating them to till the soil and to follow trades of various kinds....
The work pointed out is a most needful missionary enterprise.—
Review and Herald, January 14, 1896
1146. The field for medical missionary work is open before us.
We are now beginning to comprehend the light given years ago,—that
health reform principles would form an entering wedge to the introduc-
tion of religious principles. To voice the words of John, “Behold the
Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.” Would that all our
workers might be enlightened, so that they could work intelligently as
medical missionaries, for such knowledge would serve as credentials
to them in finding access to homes and families wherein to sow the
seeds of truth. We want to feel as Christ felt,—that we cannot abandon
helpless, suffering ones to the evils of orphanage, and ignorance, and
want, and sin, and crime.—
Unpublished Testimonies, June 13, 1895